For those of you who have not watched it, it's about s building in New York close to central park with the address 999 Park Avenue. The building is called the Drake. We follow a couple who move in there but a lot of creppy things happen; people disappearing, the dead coming back on a killing mission, fake obituaries coming true, and a mysterious spiral case.
Of course there is plenty more but then it would just be better for you to watch it than me just telling you everything. :P It's actually a little scary for me sometimes even though I know it's coming and I'm going to jump, but it's not like those scary movies that have endless supply of blood and guts spilling everywhere nor the ones that don't have stories and are only concerned about scaring you therefore making for a shitty plot line. 666 Park Avenue isn't that.
But this is the second time it's happened. I find a show that I like for once and find out that it's gonna be canceled!!!! TT_TT The first show was Terra Nova; a bunch of people are tired of living in their overly poluted future and want to start fresh lives in the past. Like waaaay in the past, when dinosaurs used to live.
I think Terra Nova also didn't get "enough" ratings and was canceled. (There has been some discussion of netflix picking it uo, but as a netflix user I haven't seen any progress on that.) Have they ever considered that they didn't advertise it enough for people to know about it?

Personally I dont't really watch the general ABC channel simply because I find it boring. They don't have shows that are to my taste.
Anyway, my post is getting kinda long. Let's see if they take my advice and stop being so harsh on shows. Maybe if they let them run as planned it would gain more viewers...