Can you guess my first reason for watching this? ---> Micky is in it. xD Hey, I'm just a fan supporting my fellow devotee.
And for a drama that takes place not in the 21st century, it is actually very entertaining. There are only 20 episodes total, and it has its comedic moments too.
I guess the only thing that frustrated me was the main girls character. Because I thought she was suppose to be seen as someone who cares for getting an education when in reality she is the type of person who wants to get things done and pass by things without catching any attention. Therefore leading to her not realizing the potential that she is not taking.
And it especially irritated me how Micky's character towards the end was being kind of a jerk. Why do Kdramas insist on the girl falling for the jerk? And the good guy always looses the girl.
This is something I have learned from watching many Korean dramas:
1. If there is someone who is going to die or has already died, the reason for death is always cancer or some illness that has no treatment.
2. The main girl always falls for the main jerk, and the main good guy is always left behind.
3. At a restaurant, most of the time they are eating meat.
4. If they're not drinking at a bar, they are most likely at a coffee shop drinking coffee.
5. The character in agony goes to a alcohol bar (or any type of place that sells alcoholic drinks) by him or herself to 'ponder' about what just happened.
6. When people get drunk, they almost always pour out their emotions to whoever is near, hick-up uncontrollably, and saved by the person they are attached to.
7. When you are drunk, you are allowed to receive a piggyback ride from the person that cares about you.
8. In frustration, a character will almost always end their sentences with something that roughly sounds like "aisssh".
9. If a character misunderstands something, they will never be told until the very end. And then they will feel guilty for not knowing.
The list can go on, but this is all I have for now. :) Meanwhile, enjoy these lovely pictures from the drama.

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