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08 May, 2012

Anima and Nausicaa

I made account on a certain manga website.
1) you can keep bookmarks on what you read. 
Before this, I kept adding more page tabs on my toolbar which then, 
it's overwhelming when you read a manga almost every day.

2) You can organize the ones you are currently reading, 
from the ones you WILL read in the future.
Now I find myself reading more.
So I wanted to talk about two that I have finished reading.

+Anima プラスアニマ
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Comedy
Mangaka: Mukai Natsumi
Released: January 2001-2005

       In this world, people have anima; powers of animals (bear, bat, fish, etc) marked by a tattoo. Cooro, Husky, Senri, and Nana are our main characters, traveling to different places and encountering new understandings about themselves and others, meeting others who have anima and don't have anima.
     Basically, we follow them and learn how people become an anima, and the personal background stories of our main characters. Most main characters are children.
     I liked it because it kept me interested in the story line and finding out about things. I loved the characters, and the different places where events happen. I wished it was longer. ^^


Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind 風の谷のナウシカ
Genre: Fantasy, Adventure, Drama, Sci-Fi, 
Mangaka: Miyazaki Hayao
Released: 1982-1994
This was also released as a movie in 1984 as part of the Studio Ghibli,
which is also popular for the movies Spirited Away, My Neighbor Totoro, Ponyo,
Grave of the Fireflies (personally I have only seen the live-action movie so far), Princess Mononoke, The Cat Returns, Howl's Moving Castle,
and recently The Secret World of Arrietty.
Despite how old this manga may be, I still really enjoyed it. It feels like the audience is older than Miyazaki's usual 6year old group, yet still keeping that youthful viewpoint through most of the characters in this story. The world is like this: dangerous to live in, gigantic bugs, and a forest that eats up everything and creates a sort of "pollen" in the process that is very dangerous to breathe in. Nausicaa is a townboy princess who has a love for life and all animals. A huge war had happened and now they live with the environmental costs.
It really gives you a new perspective on environmental issues, and I would certainly use this as part of the world that we live in today.

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