Alternative Title: 關於愛 (Guan Yu Ai)
Release Date: 2005
The first story takes place in Tokyo.
With a man from Taipei, who moved to Tokyo,
because he wants to be a cartoonist.
he sees a beautiful painting.^^
Second story takes place in Taipei.
A young woman asks a man to help her
with her shelves,
because they are too heavy for her to pick up.
Also, the two of them
have hard time communicating ^^.
And the story goes from there.....
Third story takes place in Shanghai.
A japanese man rents an apartment,
because he wants to see life of every day person,
and again--> communication problem.
And the girl that lives downstairs,
is very nosy.
See how this story works out! ^^
I liked this movie,
but not as much as other movies.
But you can try .^^
I think it is a lot about
and trying to understand each other.
Although i have to say ,
in one of the stories
the girl says to the guy "te quiero"!!!!
and he has no idea what that means xD.
(by the way, i am spanish so i know ^^.
it literally means 'you i want',
but if you want better translation,
it means 'i like you'.
I think some people may see 'te quiero'
as 'i love you', but this is not true.
i love you is 'te amo'. literal translation
is 'you i love'. so 'te quiero' is i like you.
'te quiero' does not have as much
depth as 'te amo'. Please do not
confuse these >_<.)
i think the guy thinks,
it means goodbye in spanish.....xD
ah that was funny!
(goodbye --> can be 'adios' 'hasta luego'
'chao' depending in what
spanish country you are in.)
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