The links are provided below each piece.
Feel free to enjoy the actual website
(which includes a LOT more). But
I am just post some of my new favorites.
I personally use this website too,
but after my scanner broke....well
that was the end to my computer artwork. TT_TT

A dragonfly lady? Even though it is simple, I think it is good. This was done with color markers!!! At first I thought it was watercolor, but i was wrong. ^^'' Plus her boobs aren't humongous. xD I think it's just amazing.

Here is another cool one. ^^ Basically, another version of the Power Puff Girls. in some kind of anime and a little more grown up than before. If the real Power Puff Girls show wa like this graphic, i would so watch. o^w^o

Hmmm...I think she could use more clothes than that,but the technique is awesome and flawless. I think some major points in this piece is a bit* hidden, so I am not sure it there is a theme from the first look. And this is very important for art! But in other words, still pretty. ^^

Not dragonflies but Drabumflies? Very cute and the frog plushie is just adoreable(i have one too o^^o). I would definitely use this as a cover for a notebook, shirt, calender,etc...

Kurayami:Nostalgic o_O
Creepy doll, probably something I wouldn't give a child. I just like how the person put the clothes style together, and the tone of this definitely speaks.!.

Neapolitan o^w^o OMG, these things are soo kawaiiiiii!!!! If only americans would make food that looked like this, I would definitely eat it;) These ice-cream bunny triplets are too adorable to ignore.

Yeah, yeah. I know this isn't an artwork, but i couldn't resist to put this up^w^. They are available here--->[]Ponwan Stickers are so cute. Plus, i never stock collecting stickers ^__^v

Surprisingly, I haven't seen many people do this kind of technique. So I thought it was worthwhile to show you. If only more people were creative like this, art would have soooo many new techniques that we don't know of yet.

Here is another one, by the same person. "For One Special Fella" I actually like this one better, but both are fine. And the colors in this are more exciting. :)

LOVE IN A BOTTLE. It definitely speaks for the title. Colors are great for the mood it is creating, and the lining is perfect and soft. If only this was real...*sigh

Lastly, this one is by one of my favorite persons in deviantart. "Fix You" is definitely something i would use to post on my wall, or look at when i'm depressed. Plus, i love the way he does the texture. It's a big step from solid lines. ^_^
that is all for now.
I hope you enjoyed this mini art section.
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